Carolin Holtermann (she/her)

I’m Carolin Holtermann, a second year PhD student at the University of Hamburg, Germany.

Why do LLaVA Vision-Language Models Reply to Images in English?

We uncover a surprising multilingual bias occurring in a popular class of multimodal vision-language models (VLMs). Including an image in the query to a LLaVA-style VLM significantly increases the likelihood of the model returning an English response, regardless of the language of the query.

What the Weight?! A Unified Framework for Zero-Shot Knowledge Composition

We propose a novel framework for zero-shot module composition, which encompasses existing and some novel variations for selecting, weighting, and combining parameter modules under a single unified notion. Focusing on the scenario of domain knowledge and adapter layers, our framework provides a systematic unification of concepts, allowing us to conduct the first comprehensive benchmarking study of various zero-shot knowledge composition strategies.

ScaLearn: Simple and Highly Parameter-Efficient Task Transfer by Learning to Scale

Multi-task learning (MTL) has shown considerable practical benefits, particularly when using pre-trained language models (PLMs). On the flip side, current two-stage MTL methods come with the cost of introducing a substantial number of additional parameters. In this work, we address this issue by leveraging the usefulness of linearly scaling the output representations of source adapters for transfer learning.

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  1. Company
    University of Hamburg
    PhD Candidate
  2. Company
    Blue Yonder
    Data Science Consultant
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    Cloud Consultant
  4. Company
    Cooperative Student
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